A long, straight highway can take a toll on you and your car, and it’s something you’ll probably have to contend with if you’re on a long road trip. Driving for hours on end can really be dangerous for the unprepared. Lots can go wrong through fatigue, inattention, and mechanical failures, so make sure that you’ve prepared for your road trip just as you spent time finding a car and preparing for your car finance package! Here are a few road trip safety tips, and if you’re really interested in driving safely on your next trip, check out our articles on how not to drive on rural highways and city freeways, too.

Safety painted on to road

Stay safe on the road

Stay Alert: Keeping Fatigue at Bay

Regardless of how excited you are to get to your destination, how much energy you have when you start out on your trip or how prepared you feel, eventually road fatigue will get to you. When it does, you’ll be less likely to react to dangers on the road like tailgaters, getting cut off by another car, debris on the road or animals. Ensuring that you’re psychologically ready to drive is probably the most important safety tip of all.

Keeping alert and energised isn’t difficult, but you do have to pay attention to your mental condition. The most important rule is that you need to take frequent stops to take a break from driving and sitting for so long. Otherwise, your attention will wane dangerously. You should also take care to be well-hydrated and to eat when you have to! Bringing something to eat couldn’t hurt.

State governments maintain more than enough rest areas along Australia’s highways precisely so that tired drivers can pull in and take a rest when they need to. They all have toilets, showers, and shade for the weary and some even have space for making an overnight stop. Since they have parking space, rest areas are also ideal for switching drivers if you’re riding with other people.

Perform Maintenance: Tune Up Your Car

Drivers aren’t the only part of the equation that can fail, so can your car. Tyres blow out or puncture, brakes wear out, engines overheat and any other of a myriad of problems can arise. Don’t let them surprise you. Before you set out, do a full tune up on your car. Top off the air in your tyres, check your brakes and lights, and check all your fluid levels, topping them up if you need to. In addition, if your oil is a bit old, even if it’s still technically good, you might want to replace it anyway just to be sure; you’re going to be putting a lot of stress on that oil.

Once you’ve got your safety concerns taken care of, don’t forget to enjoy your trip! If you’ve taken out car finance or a motorbike loan, we at 360 Finance want you to be able to enjoy your vehicle. A road trip can definitely contribute to that. Don’t forget to make sure your car insurance is current, too. It could save you a sea of troubles.