Our people are our strength
Let them find your best rate finance.
- Same Day
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65+ Lenders
Meet some of our team members
Our people, their knowledge and our experience are our strengths and is what helps our customers get a great finance solutions for their needs. Here are a handful of our people from across our business of 40+ employees. Learn more about how they work to find your best rate finance.

Adam Clark
General Manager

17 years working in the finance industry, 6 years working at 360 Finance, 33 years as a parent, 12 years as a Grandparent, 35 years as a musician, 15 years as a Stand-up Comic, 16 Years as a snowboarder, 16 Overseas countries visited, 52 Seconds to solve a Rubiks Cube
Phillip Nixon
Finance Specialist

Brock Simpson
Business Development Manager

Josh Hildebrand
Finance Specialist

Albert Cate
Finance Specialist

Daniel Kriekhaus
Finance Specialist

Julie Galloway
Administration Officer

Ben Muroa
Finance Specialist

William T
Finance Specialist

Great to be working in a team with such diverse backgrounds to help customers of all different requirements.
Josh Krogh
Finance Specialist

"I completed my Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Accounting in 2011. After uni I worked as a Para-planner for a financial advising firm before joining 360 Finance. I am currently studying Actuary to further my knowledge of the finance industry.
Ruby Metla
Finance Specialist

Scott Godfrey
Finance Specialist

Kepo Samuel
Finance Specialist

Kevin Crane
Finance Specialist